
May 11, 2012

Patting Jin Akanishi's Shoulder

Once upon a time, there is this nation wide famous Japanese idol named Jin Akanishi who dated a beautiful actress named Kuroki Meisa.  The two had known each other for the past few years, but had grown close since the later part of 2010, and had finally started during the early days of 2011. Everything had been just a one big rumor that time.[1]

And POOF! It is confirmed that Jin Akanishi and Meisa Kuroki are officially married!
And Kuroki's preggie! and Johnny Kitagawa is pissed off! It wasn't a huge surprise when the old man ordered to cancel Jin's nationwide tour (5 cities,for 70,000 people) as a penalty to having a shotgun marraige. [2] We deeply apologize for the troubles he has caused the fans and everyone concerned.”Johnny’s Entertainment had apologized.
The fees incurred for canceling his tour, includes venue cancellation, staff and contract fees, all amounting to about 450 million yen.

In order to pay the penalty for his canceled tour, Jin borrowed more than a couple hundred million yen. And it seems only Meisa is able to pay back that debt. The only way she can do it is by going nude and doing sex scenes to pay it back with her body.” 
There is no way he can pay such a hefty fee with an expecting child on the way. Johnny Kitagawa has been lenient towards Jin despite all the troubles that he has caused the agency, but not notifying the agency of his marriage was the last straw and Johnny is extremely angry at his conduct. It was said that Johnny got so angry that he threw a spoon when he heard the news. It wouldn’t be surprising if Jin is let go from J&A once 47 Ronin is released next February… [3]

AND the punishments doesn't end there, apparently the agency seemed to have a list of penalties ready when something drastic happens: The next one in line is pulling Jin out from his dream role as Onitsuka that was originally made popular by Sorimachi Takashi in a remake of GTO which was originally slated to premiere in July at a Tuesday 10PM time slot. Jin Akanishi was said to be desperate to hold onto this project that he even suggested of letting his wife be included for a cameo to boost ratings. It might have been a good idea, if it were not for the agency's still boiling anger.

Johnny's actually made an effort in requesting the redraw at the beginning of March. After a long and serious talk, the production team decided that it was best to not have Jin involved with the project. Plus Jin has to pay 100 million yen for all the troubles with the agency and his withdrawal. This ‘GTO’ remake drama would’ve been Akanishi's first time in starring in a drama since his ‘Yukan-club‘ waaaay back in 2007. 

“Jin was a powerful candidate for the role,yet now it is definite that his name has disappeared from the meetings.” 

For a recent turn of events, the next one in Johnny's list of punishments is dissolving Akanishi's fan club and all membership fees will be repaid to its members by June. The reason given by the agency was that the dissolution was due to Jin's activities abroad thus maintaining PR would be difficult. Oh Johnny's, sounds legit.
Anyway the said  fun club was in fusion with ‘YOU&J’ which consists of NEW, KAT-TUN and others. 

Fans all over the net are whining how all of these are too sever for a simple mistake. Some are smug at what is happening.
But all the support does not help though. I mean this is Johnny's we are talking about. The undisputed agency when it comes to being a "pretty boy factory"Johnny's Jimusho won't get this far nor would they have been so hugely powerful for the last couple of decades if they didn't know what they were doing.
So having Jin Akanishi going out and marrying without the smallest hint and gave the biggest surprise is a big fuck-you to JE. I sometimes wonder where Jin is living in all these years, being a JE idol itself is already depressing, the agency almost literally owns you and your songs, Mr. Kitagawa himself seems to own the pop industry, making the public turn a blind eye at his own scandals as well as his talents'. We are talking about an iron fist here.
And for Jin Akanishi doing what he did. He has balls, I'd give him credit for that. He was careless, yes, but a brave. Maybe he just plain forgotten who his superiors were or he was just hoping JE would forgive him one day, but he didn't ran away from his responsibility, I'm never an Akanishi fan, but I give the best of luck for the future. Also let us not forget their upcoming baby, surely it would be a cute one =D[1][2][3][4]


  1. Hey! I am really very interested in one thing, of course if I'm not asking too much could you please tell us your place of origin?
