
July 28, 2012

Tutorials Ahoy

I'm a bookstore and library addict. I get to spend hours reading various books and never be bored. I am now going to share tutorials that I loved and a few that could be used for children's crafts.
First: Fishtail Braid!!
Second, a few tutorials from a Japanese craft magazine, how to do furoshiki. I believe there are already a lot of similar tutorials on the web.

and that's a .com
Last set is from an unidentifiable book i found in the library. No cover, first pages are ripped off. But these are just so cute, and might be useful for little kids.

That's all for now. n___n/ they're not super amazing tutorials or anything, but I enjoyed them still. Especially the fishtail braid. I still suck at it though T_T So anyway bye bye

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