
April 12, 2013

A Dollhouse Everybody Lusts for

My first dollhouse was plastic and pink and I thought it was from Santa. Years came and go and I realized The Truth, but the magic of that dollhouse stayed with me. The last news I had of it was it's with a younger cousin somewhere. Now I'm in my teenage years, I am hoping to own another, but a more sophisticated dollhouse someday. Miniatures have always fascinated me and nothing could keep my eyes off The Queen's Dollhouse.

So what is it really?

In 1924, the people of England presented a 57-year-old Queen Mary a magnificent Georgian-styled dollhouse. It was designed by British architect Sir Edwin Lutyene, and it took over four years to be completed by various artists and craftsmen. It is 100 inches long, 62 inches deep and stands three stories high atop a base containing drawers with machinery to run the house. Yes, you read that right: this is working piece of dollhouse.
There's perfectly running elevators and flushable toilets, plus hot and cold water flows out of silver taps into alabaster bath tubs, and drains into basement reservoirs. There's a nursery with a gramophone that plays "God Save the King", even the pastry ovens could be made to bake crumpets using tiny pellets of coal.

The library is fantastic, containing hundreds of miniature books. There are also stamp-sized watercolors and engravings by famous artists. The wine cellar also boasts small bottles of champagne.

The dollhouse now remains at Windsor Castle, and I do believe girls of all ages are itching to snatch it away. It's that kind of awesomeness.Feel free to take a tour HERE as part of the royal Collection and get to know more about the amazing miniatures.

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