
September 18, 2014

"The Green Ribbon"

One of my worst childhood traumas does not involve blood or ghosts. It involves a book of short stories.  It was beautiful afternoon and I decided to go to the library during recess. A thin children's book caught my eye:

I began reading the stories within it, when suddenly I came upon a story titles "The Green Ribbon" Hmmm sounds cool so I read it. Boy, it was one of the worse readings I had, and remember that I was around seven at that time.

To really understand what I went through, read it here:

Arashi5x15 + Rare Photos

Here's the thing, I've been an Arashi fan since 2006 due to Jun Matsumoto's Gokusen, I was soon-to-be a high school freshman then and Jun Matsumoto was my boyfriend. Now it's 2014, Arashi is already in their 30's and I've graduated from the university. Seeing all the updates on their Blast in Hawaii concert, this sums up what I feel:

HAHAHA! Seriously, I'm so jelly right now, but I'm so fucking happy for the boys that any negative emotions is washed away by the great love and support from all Arashi fans worldwide. Now as a celebration for Arashi's 15th anniversary in the enetertainment industry, I'll be sharing some of their rare photos!

September 10, 2014

Games You Don't Want to Play 4

DISCLAIMER: All content provided on this blog post are for informational purposes only. 
I will not be liable for any errors or omissions, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. It is highly recommended NOT TO "PLAY" THEM, because you just don't "play" with the unknown. If you do choose to ignore this advice, do so at your own risk.

I'M BACK! Sort of... I never knew replacing  a laptop's motherboard could be so damn expensive, thus I apologize to all my readers out there, I'm currently broke and busy so my blogging presence is almost non-existent. However, I know some of you guys are waiting for a new post or something, so here I am publishing the newest installment of the Games You Don't Want to Play series! Hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed doing the research: