I was browsing my blog and reading through my articles (I know, I love myself) when I came upon this post. I was horrified since I completely forgot it exist and now 2014 is drawing to a close and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I DID WITH MY LIFE THIS YEAR. Was I alright? Was I productive? Existentialism? Let us see:
December 11, 2014
Hilarity in Ancient Chinese Portraits
What do you get when you mix classical portraits of Chinese men and cleverness.
Saw these at weibo a month ago.
Saw these at weibo a month ago.
December 09, 2014
Games You Don't Want to Play 5
DISCLAIMER: All content provided on this blog post are for informational purposes only.
will not be liable for any errors or omissions, injuries, or damages
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NOT TO "PLAY" THEM, because you just don't "play" with the unknown. If you do choose to ignore this advice, do so at your own risk.
After a few weeks of haitus, here I am once again offering you my faithful readers, a new installment to the Games You Don't Want to Play series. The following rituals are not as hardcore as the ones mentioned in the past posts but I still hope you guys would still heed the warnings I wrote on top (come on guys, recognize its existence! I even wrote it in red). Anyway, enjoy!
After a few weeks of haitus, here I am once again offering you my faithful readers, a new installment to the Games You Don't Want to Play series. The following rituals are not as hardcore as the ones mentioned in the past posts but I still hope you guys would still heed the warnings I wrote on top (come on guys, recognize its existence! I even wrote it in red). Anyway, enjoy!